4 Oct 2012

Since last time...

Right now I have loads of candles lit, and I'm wearing my warm knitted hat. Why? Because our heater broke down in the end of last week. For several days, we didn't have heating or hot water. Someone came and fixed the heater yesterday and the hot water works now, but for some reason we can't turn on the radiators.

Let me give you a quick update of what has happened since last time i wrote in the blog:

Monday, I started school again. My first class was Creative drape, which is a class I really look forward to. You can tell by the name what the class will be about. Basically it's about making garments by draping, rather than making pattern pieces. My other class that day was Targeting customers, which seems like an interesting class.

When I came home after school, we had a goodbye dinner in the flat, because one of our flatmates is moving back to sweden. We made tacos and drank wine. Then after that, I went over to Tobias to have a second horror night. Last time we watched The grudge, so this time we watched The grudge 2.

Tuesday, Tobias and I had breakfast at starbucks and then we went to Dover street market. Dover street market is not really a market, it is a store where they have gathered some of the best designers. To walk around in there was just amazing, to see all the details of the garments. It was all so well made! If you are interested in design, this is the place to go!

Yesterday, I had class again. This time it was Fashion Portfolio. This course is mostly drawing, which i love! After class, I went and bought some art supplies and sketch books that I need for school.

Today, I had lunch with Terés at one of our favourite places - Flatplanet! It was nice to hang out with her, we haven't been hanging out just the two of us for a while now. When she went back to work, I went to my school's library to do some research for a project and to print some stuff.

Aaaand that's about it.

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