5 Jul 2012

Skype call and fixed laptop

I've just had a long conversation with my mum on skype.It was really nice talking to her. She, my dad and my sister Louise were just on a vacation in Vietnam, and they seemed to have had a really good time there. My other sister, Charlotte, is on a vacation with her boyfriend at the moment. Also, my mum told me that my laptop finally has been fixed! The screen broke a few months ago, so I have been borrowing a small, old laptop that my parents had at home. Unfortunately, the insurance did not cover the reparation of my laptop. They said I must have broken the screen myself...

No no, I'm not jealus at aaall...

But I can't complain. I'm in London, which is pretty good! And besides, I'll be going back to Sweden in August to celebrate my dad's birthday anyway.

Soon, I'll be off for work. I start at 5pm today and finish at 11,30pm. Let's hope it's not to busy today (and not too quiet either)

Tomorrow, I have a day off! Also, it is the day that I get my salary from the last two weeks, and considering how much I've been working lately, I've decided to spend this salary to treat myself with something extra! There´s something that I've been wanting to buy for a while, and tomorrow I will do it! After that, I am meeting Terés! Can't wait!! :D

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