5 Nov 2011

What's new?

What's new is:
  • My mum and sisters went back to Sweden this morning
  • I had to call in sick today because I wasn't feeling well and had no voice at all. The girl I spoke to on the phone didn't recognise my voice and I had to say my name several times.
  • Yesterday, I told my manager I wanted to quit my job. I feel that working with food probably isn't my thing. I've tried it and I'm done with it and want to move on. I will work two more weeks and then I'm done.
That's what has happened in short.

During my mother's and sisters stay we went shopping in Camden and oxford street, we went to millennium bridge and also saw the musical We will rock you (this was the second time for me and my mother. We saw it with my dad about a year ago, a couple of days after we arrived here in London for the first time). I had a really good time and already miss them! As usual I am lousy with taking pictures. My mother have a lot though, so I have to ask her to send some.

Buuut....Here is some pictures of what I bought during our shopping:

Awesome boots that I bought in a vintage shop

A hat :)

Fairy lights! I've hung them on the walls above the bed.

Funny thing is that if you look at these three items individually, it looks like three different people have bought them. Maybe I'm a bit schizophrenic

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