9 Oct 2011

Glowing in the dark

I just came home from a night out with Michelle and Terés, celebrating Terés's birthday. We had a lot of fun at a club called Purple turtle, in which we have been once before. We got some glow sticks, which we played around with all night x)


But one of the funniest moments where on the bus home. when we got on, the guy who sat opposite me started talking to me:

Guy: your'e dressed up

Me:...yeah.. We've been out..

Guy: Have you been to a halloween party?

Me: No! Halloween is not yet!

Guy: Oh, yeah, it's in like two or three weeks?

Terés: Varför frågade han det?(translation: Why did he ask you that?)

Me: Jag vet inte?? (translation: I don't know??)

We then continued speeking swedish to each other, ignoring the guy. We dropped the subject of halloween completely and started talking about the glow sticks. I jokingly talked about how I'm going to make it my evening ritual to put the glowsticks around me, to get better sleep and we span that joke further.

Guy (to michelle): can you push the stop button for me?

And then, before he got off he said: Ja... ha en trevlig kväll då, tjejer! (translation: well... have a nice evening, ladies)

So, it turned out he was Swedish and had been listening to our conversation the whole time! It was so funny. That's why he looked so happy xD hahahahah!

Well, I have to go to sleep now, I have work at 3pm tomorrow.


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