17 Feb 2012

A quiet day

Today, we went out in the Queens park area and went to a café called Gail's (a café I've mentioned before). It's really nice, and we sat there for a while before taking a look at the library. After that we went to sainsbury's to get some food and then we went to poundland. After I've finished this blog post, we are going to cook dinner, and tonight we might go out to a pub or something. However, I seriously feel like staying home tonight...

1 comment:

  1. Hej! Tänkte bara tipsa om att jag just nu kör en dagensblogg tävling där du har chansen att länkas inför mina 400-600 unika läsare/dag så passa på att anmäla dej:)
    Om du inte vill ha såna här komentarer så ber jag ursäkt och hoppas du får en underbar helg:)
