27 Sept 2011

A day in Camden

So Julia and I spent the day in Camden. We didn't have much time though, since we wake up late and we had to be home at five because Julia had a couple of skype dates planned (but of course we didn't make it home in time).
Julia and I are waiting for the bus to Camden

We ended up walking around for a bit, then we went to a Piercing place, because Julia had been wanting to pierce her ear for a while now. The people there at the piercing place were very professional and everything was quick and easy.
 Julia with her new piercing (the ring)

After that, we went to an Indian shop and bought jewellery and, shockingly, christmas decorations. I don't think it was meant for christmas devorations, but to us paperstarts thet you put on a lamp felt very christmasy. Then we went to eat mexican food by the river.

What I like about Camden is that there is so much to do and to look at, and that If you feel that you want to take it easy for a while you can just go down to the river. Camden is a place where you can spend whole days just walking around and doing nothing.


  1. åhå, var ju i London i våras och planerar att flytta dit i framtiden jag med. när jag tittar här på bilderna på camden blir jag alldeles nostalgisk ^^ haha
