3 Mar 2013

Images from Sweden

Tobias and I just came back to London after spending a week in Sweden. We started with visiting my family an his grandparents in Skåne, then we went to Stockholm to visit his family. The trip included a lot of travelling, but it was a lot of fun! Here are some pictures from the trip:

Bowling in Malmö!

Tobias, Me and my sister Louise.

My sister Charlotte and her boyfriend Mattias.
 We met Fredrik in Helsingborg

 We went to a small café in Stockholm. It was cosy, but my Chai latte only tasted of warm milk..

 We met Tobias's friend Joacim

Tobias, Joacim, André and I went to dinner at Jensens Böfhus.

1 comment:

  1. Alltså shit verkar ju farligt att vara i Råå! De där två snubbarna ser sjukt kriminella!!!!! :(
